POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT (to INCREASE a behavior, something good is ADDED): Johnny puts his quarter in the vending machine and gets candy., Nathan tells a joke and his friends laugh., Marco studies a lot and gets a good grade., A rat plays basketball. It's then given food., POSITIVE PUNISHMENT (to DECREASE a behavior, something bad is ADDED): A child misbehaves and gets a spanking., Tim texts in class and is caught. He's given detention., Sawa falls asleep in the sun and gets a sunburn., A rat presses a lever and gets a shock., NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT (to INCREASE a behavior, something bad is REMOVED) : I put on sunscreen to avoid a sunburn., You walk the dog to avoid poop in the house., Joe puts on deodorant to avoid smelling bad., The squirrel runs up a tree to escape a predator., NEGATIVE PUNISHMENTS (to DECREASE a behavior, something good is REMOVED) : Bobby fights with his sister. No TV that night., You swear at your boss so you get demoted., Julie misses curfew. No car for a week., Emma smokes in school. No hall pass privileges. ,

P3&4 Reinforcement & Punishment Practice 2



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