1) What is the habitat of the elephant? a) Grassland b) Rainforest c) Ocean d) Desert 2) What is the habitat of the turtle? a) Grassland b) Polar c) Ocean d) Desert 3) What is the habitat of the toucan? a) Polar b) Rainforest c) Desert d) Wetland 4) What is the habitat of this snake? a) Grassland b) Desert c) River d) Wetland 5) What is the habitat of this frog? a) Backyard b) Rainforest c) Desert d) Polar 6) What is the habitat of the emperor penguin? a) Grassland b) Rainforest c) Polar d) Desert 7) What is the habitat of the deer? a) Forest b) Rainforest c) Wetland d) Grassland 8) What is the habitat of the orangutan? a) Rainforest b) Arctic c) Ocean d) Desert 9) What is the habitat of the camel? a) Grassland b) Rainforest c) Ocean d) Desert 10) What is the habitat of the dolphin? a) Wetland b) Ocean c) Rainforest d) Lake 11) What is the habitat of the sloth? a) jungle b) desert c) arctic d) river 12) What is the habitat of the fennec fox? a) jungle b) desert c) arctic d) river



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