1) Mood is... a) what the narrator says b) the emotional response of the reader c) thriller 2) "The boy ran hurriedly" vs. "Hurriedly, the boy ran" is an example of... a) diction b) syntax c) tone d) mood 3) “It’s not that we had no heart or eyes for pain. We were all afraid" is an example of... a) tone b) syntax c) mood d) diction 4) Vocal expression is a) diction b) mood c) tone d) syntax 5) Changes from sad to joyful or from calm to anxious is an example of... a) mood b) diction c) syntax d) tone 6) The narrator's attitude toward the events happening in the story. a) mood b) tone c) syntax d) diction 7) Your choice of words (correct, clear and effective) a) syntax b) tone c) diction d) mood 8) The novel was suspenseful is an example of a) tone b) diction c) mood d) syntax 9) "You're full of it" is an example of... a) mood b) syntax c) diction d) tone 10) ________ is how words are arranged. a) mood b) syntax c) diction d) tone 11) The story was a thriller is an example of a) tone b) mood c) syntax d) diction 12) "Respectfully, I disagree" is an example of... a) mood b) syntax c) diction d) tone

What's Mood, Syntax, Diction, and Tone?



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