antagonist - the character opposing the protagonist, apron - the part of the stage extending past the proscenium arch toward the audience, arena stage - a stage constructed so that the audience can sit on all sides; also known as "theater-in-the-round", articulation - the shaping and molding of sounds into syllables, artistic discipline - maintaining a balance between group cooperation and individual integrity, assistant director - the person who helps the director with such duties as warming up the cast before rehearsal, checking rolls, posting rehearsal schedules, writing directorial notes during rehearsal, running errands, and filling in as necessary when an actor is absent, audience commitment - audience responibility, audience etiquette - approriiate audience behavior at a theatrical event, audience focus - a type of focus in readers theatre in which the characters focus on the audience, audience viewpoint - the way the audience sees and responds to the cast members,

Theater Vocab 12


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