Tiger - It's dangerous and it likes eating meat., Rabbit - It's small and fluffy. It likes eating carrot., Bear - It's big , brown and it lives in the forest. It likes eating honey, Elephant - It's very big. It lives in Asia. It has big ears and a long trunk., Wolf - It looks like a dog. It lives in the forest., Cow - It's big. It gives you milk., Horse - It's big. You can ride it., Chicken - It's small. It's a bird. It gives you eggs. It says "co-co-co", Giraffe - It's big with a long long neck. It likes eating grass and leaves., Sheep - It's a farm animal. It's grey and curly.It says "Beee-Beee", Camel - It's big and brown. It has humps. It lives in a desert., Kangaroo - It jumps. It lives in Australia., Duck - It's small. It's a bird. It says :"Kria-kria", Squirrel - It's small and brown. It likes eating nuts. It lives on trees.,



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