The film is set in - a big city , Her acting is absolutely - brilliant , Tom Gray plays the part of a  - German teacher , It tell us about a - a young girl who arrives in a small village where she meets her future love, The plot of the movie is very  - simple, The film is based on - a true story that happened in the USA in 2005, Angelina Jolie stars as - Lara Croft, In my opinion, this TV series is absolutely - hilarious (very funny), Do you like watching movies with - subtitles? , The movie was dubbed - into many languages , A movie extra (also called a "background actor," "background talent" or "atmosphere") is - a person who we see in a film but who has no lines (text), A film director is a person who - a person who controls the making of a film and the actors and technical crew, A cast is - the actors taking part in a play, film, or other production, A script is a - the written text of a play, film,


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