Social Engineering - Any type of digital scam where fraudsters trick people to gain access to their data/money, Blagging - Messages from fraudsters that have the aim of convincing users to give up money/data , Phishing - Fake messages from fraudsters pretending to be real companies, with fake email links that will steal user's data if clicked on, Virus - A piece of malware that copies itself into a computer's software, Malware - A piece of computer software that is designed to harm the user's computer, Brute Force Attack - When either by themselves or with a program, someone enters multiple password attempts until the correct password is found, Hacking - Any unauthorised access to someone's computer system, DDOS - A distributed denial of service attack - where many computers try to flood a server with service requests in order to disable it, Computer Misuse Act - A UK law that prohibits hacking into computer systems and networks, Data Protection Act - A UK law that governs how companies must store and protect its users' data,

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