1) Mario hates school! He doesn‘t like _________ in his class. a) Anybody b) Somebody c) Anyone d) Someone 2) My father said, "_________ needs to wash the dishes--NOW." a) Someone b) Anybody c) Somebody d) Anyone 3) The teacher asked the class, "Does __________ play the guitar?" a) Anyone b) Somebody c) Anybody d) Someone 4) Oh no! I think that _________ stole my cell phone! a) someone b) anyone c) somebody d) anybody 5) Carlos's job is ________ near Times Square. a) somewhere b) something c) anywhere d) anything 6) Peter asked his friend, "Do you have ________ to drink? I am so thirsty." a) anything b) something c) somewhere d) anywhere 7) I don't have __________ to give Claudia for her birthday! a) anything b) anywhere c) something d) somewhere 8) My homework must be __________. I know the dog didn't eat it! a) somewhere b) anywhere c) anything d) something

Indefinite Pronouns--Some & Any



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