1) A digraph has ____ sounds. a) 1 b) 2 c) 1.5 d) 2.5 e) only one, unless it's at the end of a word 2) how many letters are in a digraph? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 3) what kind of letters are in digraphs? a) 2 vowels b) 2 consonants c) 1 vowel and 1 consonant d) 1 vowel and 2 consonants 4) Name that digraph!............. shore! a) ck b) ch c) wh d) th e) sh 5) Name that digraph!............. much! a) th b) ck c) ch d) sh e) wh 6) Name that digraph!............. with! a) sh b) wh c) ck d) sh e) th 7) Which word has a digraph? a) fish b) him c) fun d) tip 8) Which word has a digraph? a) sip b) whip c) fix d) pup 9) Which word does NOT have a digraph? a) much b) jog c) hush d) rock e) this



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