Web Site - a connected group of pages on the World Wide Web regarded as a single entity, devoted to a single topic or several closely related topics., Web Page - a single, text document on the World Wide Web that can incorporate text, graphics, sounds; part of a web site., URL - (Universal, Resource, Locator) also called the web address., Domain - The last two or three letters at the end of a web address which are an abbreviation for the type of location or source for a web site; (education - .edu I government - .gov I commercial - .com / Canada - .ca), Ethics - a system of moral principles; rules of conduct showing respect to others, Bias - To have pre-judgment on an issue; to show favoritism towards a side on an issue; to only look at the facts favoring one side, Netiquette - Being considerate, and respectful to other when chatting, blogging or instant messaging on the internet, Critic - a person who judges, evaluates, or criticizes., Freeware - Open- source software; software that can be downloaded and used for free, Shareware - Software that is created and shared over the internet to be used for a reasonable fee., Computer Virus - A computer program that is written to access your computer without your knowledge or permission., Plagiarism - The unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work., Wiki - A collaborative Web site set up to allow user editing and adding of content, Web Blog - An online diary; a personal chronological log of thoughts published on a Web page;, Copyright - The exclusive right to make copies, license, and otherwise exploit a literary, musical, or artistic work, whether printed, audio, video, etc.; Protected;, World Wide Web - A system of extensively interlinked hypertext documents: a branch of the Internet. Abbreviation: WWW, SPAM - A disruptive, esp. commercial message posted on a computer network or sent as e­ mail. [not an acronym] written spam -- slang name for Unsolicited Commercial Email., Objective - Not influenced by personal feelings or one side; examines all sides of an issue;, Internet Cookie` - A message, or segment of data, containing information about a user, sent by a Web server to a browser and sent back to the server each time the browser requests a Web page., Internet - A vast computer network linking smaller computer networks worldwide; including - commercial, educational, governmental, and other networks, all of which use the same set of communications protocols., A Firewall - is a system designed to prevent unauthorized access to a private network by filtering the information that comes in from the internet., Malware - is a catch-all term for any type of malicious software designed to harm or exploit any programmable device, service or network.,

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