1) Who wrote 'An Inspector Calls'? a) J.K. Rowling b) H.G. Wells c) J.B. Priestley d) Rudyard Kipling 2) When is the play set and when was it played to audiences in Britain? a) 1912 & 1945 b) 1913 & 1947 c) 1911 & 1946 d) 1912 & 1946 3) What do we learn about the Birlings' furniture? a) It's well built and trendy b) It's shabby chic c) It's Victorian antique d) They didn't have furniture 4) Why is Sheila pleased? a) Because she has found a job b) Because Gerald has proposed c) Because the war is over d) Because it's Friday 5) Which character drinks too much? a) Eric b) Arthur c) Gerald d) Edna 6) Why is Birling pleased about Sheila's engagement? a) She's ugly and may never have been married off b) He loves weddings c) He's very proud of his daughter d) Gerald is rich and may share his wealth with Birling 7) What is a patriarchal society? a) A society controlled by Patricks b) A male-dominated society c) A female-dominated society d) A child-controlled society 8) What is an 'omniscient' character a) A character that sees everything b) A character that is invisible c) A character that disappears quickly d) A character appears multiple times 9) How is Gerald's absence last summer explained? a) He was abroad b) He lost his phone c) He was busy working d) He was evicted from his home 10) What is the significance of the port? a) It's delicious b) They all have alcohol problems c) It identifies them as wealthy and well-bred d) It shows they can mix their drinks and not get drunk

An Inspector Calls Opening Section Quiz


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