Waiter: ____ to Foody's. Can I ____ your ____? Liv: I ____ like a cheeseburger and a salad, please. Waiter: Ok, would you like a ____ with that? Liv: I'd ____ a lemonade. Waiter: Is that ____? Amy: No. I ____ to order too. ____ I have a burger, ____ chips and an orange juice? Waiter: OK. Would you like some ____ with your chips? Amy: No, thanks. Waiter: And what ____ you? Bill: Well, I’____ like three burgers, please. Waiter: ____. Would...? Bill: Oh... I’d like a salad and some chips ____. Liv: Bill! Bill: What? I’m ____! Waiter: ____ that all then? Bill: Erm... I’d like a milkshake... no, I’d like a lemonade. Actually, I’d like ____. I’m very ____. Waiter: That’s... Bill: Oh, and have you got any strawberry ____ cream? Waiter: No, I’m afraid we haven’t got ____ strawberry ice cream. But we’ve got chocolate and banana. Bill: Hmm... I’d like some banana ice cream for ____, please. Waiter: ____.

Full blast 5. Unit 5b. Dialogue


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