distract - Take your attentions away from what you are doing, admit - to agree that somethings is bad or embarrassing is true, contrast - to show or tell about the differences between two things, distinct - to hear, see or taste it clearly, betray - to do something that hurts or disappoints a person that trust you, absurd - something that is ridiculous, discard - to get rid of it because you no longer want it or need it, persist - to continue to do it even thought it is difficult, record - to write down an event to remember for a later time, exclude - prevent a person from entering a place or taking part in an activity, astonishes - surprise, regret - wish that you had not done it, personal - belongs to a particular person, external - coming from the outside, intention - an idea or plan of what you are going to do, administers - someone who takes responsibility for organizing and supervising ,

Rewards lessons 1-10 Vocabulary



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