Budget - A plan for your money, Deficit - When there is not enough money to pay all bills, Discretionary Income - Money that is left over after you have paid all your bills, Income - Money you receive either given or for a job, Net Monthly Income - Income after ALL the TAXES are taken out, Gross Monthly Income - Income BEFORE all the TAXES are taken out, Fixed Expenses - Bills that stay the same each month ie. rent or car payment, Variable Expenses - Bills that change from month to month. ie cell phone, PAY YOURSELF FIRST - Do this before your spend your money on WANTS, Expenses - the money spent on something., Disposable Income - Income remaining for a person to spend or save after all taxes have been paid, opportunity cost - whatever must be given up to obtain some other item, Spending Plan - An income and expense statement which records both planned and actual income,

Budgeting Terms 2023


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