1) A law intended to prosecute unauthorised access with intent to commit or facilitate a crime a) Trojan Horse b) Computer Misuse Act c) Eavesdropping d) Spam 2) piece of program code that makes copies of itself by attaching itself to another program a) Trojan Horse b) Phishing c) Hacking d) Computer Virus 3) to illegally access other people's computer systems in order to destroy, disrupt or carry out something illegal a) Hacking b) keylogger  c) Denial of service d) Computer Virus 4) Encouraging a user to click on a link (Email) to a fake website which looks identical to a legitimate company such as a bank, in order to steal valuable information a) Pharming b) Computer Misuse Act c) Computer Virus d) Phishing 5) is an attack which redirects an internet user to a bogus website in order to steal valuable information a) Trojan Horse b) Ransomware c) Pharming d) Malware 6) electronic junk mail a) keylogger  b) Spam c) SQL injection attack d) Ransomware 7) a self-replicating program able to propagate itself across a network, typically having a detrimental effect. a) keylogger  b) Malware c) Spam d) Worm 8) a program designed to breach the security of a computer system while ostensibly performing some innocuous function. a) Hacking b) Trojan Horse c) Back door d) keylogger  9) a type of malicious software designed to block access to a computer system until a sum of money is paid a) keylogger  b) Spam c) Back door d) Ransomware 10) software that enables a user to obtain covert information about another's computer activities by transmitting data covertly from their hard drive. a) Trojan Horse b) Spyware c) Computer Virus d) Computer Misuse Act 11) a computer program that records every keystroke made by a computer user, especially in order to gain fraudulent access to passwords and other confidential information. a) Trojan Horse b) Back door c) Ransomware d) keylogger  12) a code injection technique, used to attack data-driven applications a) Trojan Horse b) SQL injection attack c) Phishing d) Spyware 13) is a cyber-attack in which the perpetrator seeks to make a machine or network resource unavailable to its intended users by temporarily or indefinitely disrupting services of a host connected to the Internet. a) Computer Misuse Act b) keylogger  c) Denial of service d) Pharming 14) any software intentionally designed to cause damage to a computer, server, client, or computer network` a) Malware b) Denial of service c) Spyware d) Phishing 15) is a method, often secret, of bypassing normal authentication or encryption in a computer system, a) Back door b) Phishing c) Trojan Horse d) Malware 16) attack that focuses on capturing small packets from the network transmitted by other computers and reading the data content in search of any type of information a) Denial of service b) SQL injection attack c) Eavesdropping d) keylogger 

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