1) She is as silly as a goose. a) She likes to play in water. b) She is acting very silly and ridiculous. 2) They were packed in the elevator like sardines. a) There were so many people they couldn't move. b) The elevator smells like fish. 3) The room was as neat as a pin. a) The room was very thin and pointy. b) The room was all clean and tidy. 4) When he had COVID he was as sick as a dog. a) He was very ill. b) He wanted to get a dog. 5) Nina worked so hard all day she slept like a baby that night. a) She slept very well. b) She slept in a baby crib. 6) He walks as slow as a turtle. a) He looks like a turtle. b) He walks very slowly. 7) He said he was so hungry he could eat a horse. a) He can eat a lot of food. b) He wanted to eat horse burgers. 8) Jenny was as busy as a beaver fixing computers today. a) Jenny worked constantly completing many tasks. b) Jenny collected wood to build a dam. 9) I am all ears. a) I want some corn on the cob. b) I am ready to listen to what you have to say. 10) He went the extra mile and vacuumed after he fixed the furnace. a) He did more work than expected. b) He drove another mile down the road. 11) He told a lie and is in hot water now. a) He is taking a hot bath. b) He is in big trouble. 12) He got caught telling a lie and he must face the music. a) He needs to take responsibility for his problem. b) He is going to listen to an orchestra. 13) I can't help you I am all tied up right now. a) I am too busy and you need to wait. b) My hands are tied to my shoes. 14) It's raining cats and dogs! a) You can hear barking and meowing outside. b) It's raining really hard. 15) He got up on the wrong side of the bed today. a) He is in a really bad mood. b) He fell out of bed. 16) Zip your lips! a) Be quiet! b) You have a zipper in your mouth.

Similes and Metaphors



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