1) I _____ go to school by car. a) don't b) doesn't 2) You _____ speak English. a) don't b) doesn't 3) It _____ rain a lot in July and August. a) don't b) doesn't 4) We ________ have holidays in March. a) don't b) doesn't 5) He _____ learn Chinese at school. a) don't b) doesn't 6) They _____ live in a house. a) don't b) doesn't 7) She _____ play the piano, she plays the violin. a) don't b) doesn't 8) Anna and I _____ like spinach. a) don't b) doesn't 9) Peter and Paul ______ do any sports. They are lay. a) don't b) doesn't 10) Paul likes pancakes, but his brother Peter _____. a) don't b) doesn't

L19 - Simple Present Negative ✏️


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