1) Do you have enough money to make the purchase? a) b) 2) Do you have enough money to make the purchase? a) b) 3) Do you have enough money to make the purchase? a) b) 4) Do you have enough money to make the purchase? a) b) 5) Do you have enough money to make the purchase? a) b) 6) Do you have enough money to make the purchase? a) b) 7) Do you have enough money to make the purchase? a) b) 8) Do you have enough money to make the purchase? a) b) 9) Do you have enough money to make the purchase? a) b) 10) Do you have enough money to make the purchase? a) b) 11) Do you have enough money to make the purchase? a) b) 12) Do you have enough money to make the purchase? a) b)

Do You Have Enough Money?



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