1) Gerald: 'I was awfully busy...' Sheila: Yes, that's what you say. Which theme is focused on here? a) the position of women in society b) the theme of prostitution c) the class system 2) Sheila: 'You're squiffy.' 'Sheila! Really the things you girls pick up these days! Mrs Birling. Which theme is focused on here? a) Envy. b) Guilt c) The generation gap 3) Sheila: 'I'll never let it go out of my sight for an instant.' What technique is Priestley using here? a) juxtaposition b) foreshadowing c) euphemisms 4) Sheila: (gaily) What's this about streets? What theme does Priestley focus on with this question? a) The contrast between rich and poor women. b) The Generation Gap c) The theme of responsibility 5) Sheila: 'But these girls aren't cheap labour - they're people.' What is Priestley telling us in this quote? a) He is using dramatic irony to tell us that the workers were happy. b) He is focusing on how working class women were paid very low wages. c) The Birling parents care about working class women. 6) 'I went to the manager at Milwards and I told him that if he didn't get rid of that girl, I'd never go near the place again...' What is this an example of? a) Sheila's feelings of compassion for the poor. b) Sheila does not like Milwards. c) Her abuse of power by having Eva sacked. 7) She was a very pretty girl too ... and that didn't make it any better.' Which of the 7 deadly sins is Sheila guilty of? a) envy b) avarice c) gluttony


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