1) Let's chat about what you did this weekend. a) talk b) eat chicken 2) I have a tip for you about making friends. a) I tipped the glass and spilled water. b) I have some ideas that can help you. 3) That should perk you up. a) make you feel happy b) Make you feel cold. 4) Let's make a plan for this weekend. a) Make a new calendar b) Let's talk about what to do this weekend. 5) I agree with you.  a) We think the same about it. b) We think differently about it. 6) We disagree about whether ranch dressing is good.  a) We think the same about it. b) We think differently about it. 7) Let me jot down your phone number. a) Let me run around. b) Let me write down.

Friends -O-Mania Vocabulary



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