Twitter CEO Elon Musk, author Yuval Noah Harari and several other experts on Wednesday ____ a pause on 'giant AI experiments' ____ "profound risks to humanity and society". In an open letter, they ____ all AI labs to "immediately pause" training of AI systems stronger than ChatGPT-4 for at least six months. This comes at a time when OpenAI's ChatGPT has ____ while ____ of more job cuts. "This pause should be public and verifiable, and include all ____. If such a pause cannot be ____ quickly, governments should ____ and institute a moratorium," the letter, with over 1,300 signatories, said. The letter spoke about the ____ AI systems such as job cuts, misinformation and propaganda. "Should we develop nonhuman minds that might eventually ____, outsmart, obsolete and replace us? Should we risk loss of control of our civilization?," it further read. Such ____ were also expressed by OpenAI CEO Sam Altman in a recent interview saying that one of the worst ____ of AI could be its use for large-scale disinformation.



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