1) The first Earth Day happened... a) on the moon b) on April 22, 1970 c) last week 2) What is "The Environment"? a) Climate change b) the air, water and land on which people, animals and plants live. c) Rising sea levels 3) What is global warming? a) a gradual increase in world temperatures caused by polluting gases b) a hot summer day c) a heat wave 4) Pollution a) a substance that is harmful or has poisonous effects on the environment. b) the flowers of spring time c) rising temperatures 5) Climate Change a) big change in the Earth’s weather b) tornadoes c) hurricanes 6) the planet we live on, the third planet from the sun a) the moon b) the sun c) the Earth 7) Rachel Carson was a) a scientist who wrote Silent Spring b) a bus driver c) a teacher 8) Gaylord Nelson a) The founder of Earth Day b) the president of the US c) the vice president 9) To donate means.... a) to give away things you no longer need b) to vote for the president c) to have breakfast 10) An Environmentalist is someone who... a) doesn't care about the earth b) loves and works to protect the earth c) hurts the earth 11) compact fluorescent lightbulbs a) are dangerous b) are not good for the environment c) last longer and save energy 12) Two good ways to stop pollution a) drive a car b) walk or ride a bike c) fly in an airplane

Earth Day Quiz


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