Birling believes in 'Lower costs and higher...' - prices, Eric is described as 'half-shy, half-.....' - assertive, Sheila realises that working class girls 'aren't cheap labour - they're ...' - people, Birling presents himself as as one of the 'hard-headed, practical...' - businessmen, Inspector Goole conveys an air of 'massiveness, solidity and ...' - purposefulness, Arthur Birling ridicules the idea that all people in society should be 'mixed up together like bees in a ...' - hive, Gerald is described as an 'easy, well-bred young...' - man-about-town, Inspector Goole criticises Birling's selfish capitalist attitude by telling him that 'It's better to ask for the earth than to...' - take it, Inspector Goole describes the actions leading to Eva's suicide as 'a ..... of events' - chain, Gerald believes that rich, privileged people are above the law when he says 'We're respectable citizens, not ...' - criminals,

An Inspector Calls Act 1 quotations



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