1) 🔥what is the main character of fortnite🔥 a) jonesy b) lazer beem c) drift d) red jade e) zebin f) galex 2) 🔥what is are the 2 most liked guns in fortnite🔥 a) pump b) snow ball launcher c) scar d) p90 e) tac pistol f) tac 3) 🔥what are the two toxic emotes in the game 🔥 a) take the l b) laugh it up c) defalt emote d) minecraft pickaxe e) roblox pickaxe f) flose fortnite 4) 🔥what was ninja's first icon item🔥 a) plunja b) ninja's icon skin c) ninja styl d) ninjas pickaxe e) ninjas edge f) hamper 5) 🔥which sheld item heels 50 sheld 🔥 a) big pot b) meny c) slurp juice d) slap juice e) chug jug with justin f) slurp fish 6) 🔥✇who is a fortnite youtuber✇🔥 a) stampy b) laclen c) flamego d) mcsquared90 e) not the answer just a tribut f) n0lan9 7) 🔥When was Fortnite made? 🔥 a) 2023 b) 2017 c) 2009 d) 2014 e) 2027 f) 1989 8) 🔥what are the 4 og skins🔥 a) black knight b) wild cat c) purple skull trooper d) renegade raider e) psycho bandit f) aerial assault trooper

fortnite quizy 


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