1) Who is currently outfitting her motorcycle with a custom infant seat for her grandbaby? a) Shauna b) Meg c) Tricia d) Logan 2) Who is most likely to REPLY ALL to a staff email? a) Meg b) Tricia c) Erica d) Logan 3) Who is most likely to not come on a work day, staff day, or half day? a) Tricia b) Erica c) Logan d) Shauna 4) Who is most likely to do an OOTD before school? a) Logan b) Shauna c) Tricia d) Meg 5) Who is most likely to keep a secret? a) Logan b) Erica c) Tricia d) Meg 6) Who is most likely to live in another state according to her license plate? a) Meg b) Logan c) Erica d) Patricia 7) Who is most likely to be seen riding on the back of a Harley during biker week? a) Erica b) Logan c) Shauna d) Tricia 8) Who is most likely to get starstruck meeting a celebrity? a) Meg b) Shauna c) Logan d) Erica 9) Who is most likely to stay calm when their classroom is burning down? a) Tricia b) Meg c) Shauna d) Erica 10) Who most often expresses their thoughts with an eye roll? a) Logan b) Erica c) Patricia d) Meg 11) Who is least likely to laugh in a serious moment? a) Erica b) Patricia c) Meg d) Shauna 12) Who has launched a side gig selling clothes on Poshmark? a) Shauna b) Logan c) Erica d) Patricia 13) Who is most likely to one day move to Jamaica? a) Shauna b) Logan c) Erica d) Patricia 14) Who is most likely to become an influencer? a) Tricia b) Meg c) Shauna d) Logan 15) Who is most likely to have their own reality show? a) Meg b) Shauna c) Logan d) Erica

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