1) Which of the following is the most appropriate purpose for writing a report? a) To persuade the reader b) To entertain the reader c) To inform the reader d) To summarize the writer's personal experiences 2) Which section of a report typically provides an overview of the main points and findings? a) Introduction b) Conclusion c) Methodology d) Recommendations 3) When writing a report, it is important to: a) Use complex language and technical jargon to sound more professional b) Avoid providing any references or sources to support your findings c) Organize information logically and use clear and concise language d) Include personal opinions and subjective statements 4) Which of the following statements best describes the tone of a report? a) Casual and informal b) Emotional and persuasive c) Objective and formal d) Subjective and biased 5) When writing a report, it is important to: a) Include every single detail and piece of information you have b) Use long paragraphs without headings to maintain a formal structure c) Proofread and edit your report for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors d) Use abbreviations and acronyms extensively to save space 6) The main body of a report should: a) Present a summary of the main findings b) Provide a detailed analysis of the topic c) Repeat information from the introduction d) Include personal anecdotes and stories 7) Which of the following statements is true regarding the conclusion of a report? a) It should introduce new information not mentioned in the main body. b) It should summarize the main points and findings. c) It should present personal opinions and subjective statements. d) It should include a call-to-action for the reader. 8) What is the typical word count for a B2 First report? a) 150-200 words b) 140-190 words c) 350-400 words d) 500-600 words 9) In a report, it is important to use formal language and avoid contractions. a) True b) False 10) When organizing the main body of a report, what is the recommended approach? a) Present information in a random order b) Follow the task order c) Use bullet points instead of paragraphs d) Include personal anecdotes and stories 11) It is acceptable to include personal opinions and subjective statements in a report. a) True b) False 12) It is important to proofread and edit a report for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors before submitting it. a) True b) False

Objective First Writing Folder 3 How to write REPORTS


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