Introducing a topic: The aim of this ..., My ... is about ..., I'd like to ..., Listing points: Firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally, I'll begin by ... then I'll move on to... . Towards the end ..., First of all, after that, then, finally, Referring to something: (As) I mentioned earlier ..., We'll come back to this point., As pointed out before, this is..., Ending a presentation: So, to sum up ..., In conclusion, we can say that ..., In summary .., Referring to research: A 2019 study by Hewitt suggested that ........, In his 1998 book, Hawkins proposes that .., According to the 2020 UNESCO study ..., Focusing attention: What is interesting is that ..., Notice/observe that ..., What is important here is/are ..., Referring to visuals: Looking at the chart you can see ..., As you can see from the graph ..., The graph/chart/infographic shows ..., Expressing your opinion: I think/believe that ..., It seems to me that ..., The point I am trying to make is ...,

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