1) ... lay in the path a) a flower b) an ant c) an egg 2) The boy saw... a) rats b) frogs c) tigers d) flamingoes e) alligators f) turtles 3) The boy climed up the tree. He... a) took the egg from the nest b) put the egg in the nest 4) Mr and Mrs Bird were... a) happy b) surprised c) scared d) pleased 5) That's ... a) our egg b) not our egg 6) Mr Bird said: What ... a) a lovely baby b) an ugly baby c) a beautiful baby d) a clever baby 7) Mrs Bird brought a a) pink worm b) pink butterfly c) pink snake 8) Mrs Bird got ... a) berries and apples b) berries and ants c) berries and cherries 9) Mr Bird got red ants and a) blue ants b) green ants c) black ants d) yellow ants 10) Junior never stopped... a) crying b) reading c) eating d) sleeping 11) Mr Bird said: a) Flap your wings b) Flap your ears c) Flap your legs 12) He is ... now.  a) Happy b) Scared c) Surprised

Flap your wings



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