Real Estate - property in the form of land or buildings / the business of buying and selling real estate, Mutual Funds - a service where financial experts invest the money of many people in many different companies, Precious Metals - a metal that is valuable and usually rare, Antiques - something made in an earlier period that is collected and considered to have value because it is beautiful, rare, old, or of high quality, Stocks - the amount of money that a company has through selling shares to people / part of the ownership of a company that can be bought by members of the public , Bonds - you're giving the issuer a loan, and they agree to pay you back the face value of the loan on a specific date, and to pay you periodic interest payments along the way, usually twice a yea, Art - paintings, drawings, and sculptures, Collectibles - an object that people collect as a hobby or an investment,

# 158 - GT - Investments - Act 1 - Free Pass Idiomas


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