1) The name of the inspector a) Inspector Holmes b) Inspector Goole c) Inspector Gadget d) Eric Birling 2) Mr Birling's first name a) Arthur b) Gerald c) Charles d) Robert 3) Mr Birling says it will never sink a) Olympic b) Brittanic c) Titanic d) RMS Queen Mary e) White Star 4) Mrs Birling's first name a) Sheila b) Eva c) Sybil d) Edna e) Daisy 5) Mr Birling says this will never happen a) England winning the world cup b) Socialism c) World War d) Sheila and Gerald's engagement e) A pay rise at the factory 6) Technique used by J.B. Priestlyey to great effect a) Dramatic irony b) Sarcasm c) Gore d) Suspense e) Humour f) Flashbacks 7) Eva Smith changed her name to this a) Sybil Birling b) Cora Crawling c) Daisy Renton d) Anna Bates e) Daisy Mason f) Sarah O'Brien 8) Eric has a problem with it a) Socialism b) Gerald and Sheila's engagement c) Binge eating d) Drinking/alcohol e) Public speaking 9) J.B. Priestley's political stance a) Socialism b) Communist c) Capitalist d) Totalitarianism 10) Sheila gets Eva Smith fired from this department store a) Milwards b) Myer c) Marks & Spencer d) Debenhams e) Harrods f) House of Fraser 11) Sheila is getting engaged to him a) Gerald Croft b) Tom Branson c) Matthew Crawley d) Joseph Molesley 12) Eva Smith is fired from the factory for this a) Theft b) Verbal abuse of coworker c) Bullying d) Unionising/striking 13) Has an affair with Eva and gives her temporary accommodation a) Arthur b) Eric c) Gerald d) Sheila e) Tom Branson 14) Feels genuine remorse and guilt over what happened a) Gerald Croft b) Sheila c) Arthur d) Sybil 15) Gets Daisy pregnant a) Eric b) Gerald Croft c) Arthur Birling d) Tom Branson 16) Arthur Birling's political outlook a) Capitalism b) Socialism c) Communism d) Totalitarianism


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