1) What is hedging in communication? a) a) Emphasizing certainty and confidence in statements b) b) Softening or mitigating the impact of statements c) c) Avoiding any form of uncertainty or doubt d) d) Amplifying the strength of statements 2) What is the main purpose of hedging? a) a) To confuse and piss off the audience b) b) To make statements more direct and assertive c) c) To acknowledge and address uncertainty or doubt d) d) To increase the persuasiveness of arguments 3) Which of the following is an example of hedging language? a) a) "I am absolutely certain that..." b) b) "Perhaps it could be argued that..." c) c) "There is absolutely no doubt that..." d) d) "It is completely clear that..." 4) What is boosting in communication? a) a) Exaggerating claims or statements b) b) Demonstrating hesitation or indecisiveness c) c) Downplaying the significance of information d) d) Amplifying the impact or strength of statements 5) Which of the following is an example of boosting language? a) a) "There might be a slight chance..." b) b) "This is definitely the best option..." c) c) "I'm not entirely sure, but..." d) d) "It could be argued that..." 6) Why is hedging important in academic writing? a) a) It allows writers to avoid taking a clear position on the topic. b) b) It ensures that writers appear confident and assertive. c) c) It acknowledges the limitations and potential counterarguments. d) d) It adds unnecessary complexity to the writing. 7) Which of the following is a common hedging strategy in academic writing? a) a) Providing strong evidence and supporting data b) b) Using tentative language. c) c) Avoiding the use of citations and references d) d) Including personal anecdotes and opinions 8) What are some common hedging devices used in spoken communication? a) a) Modal verbs and adverbs b) b) Exaggerated claims and superlatives c) c) Direct object nouns and categorical statements d) d) Concise and strongly assertive language 9) What is the potential drawback of excessive hedging? a) a) It can lead to fistfights and depression. b) b) It may make the speaker sound more persuasive. c) c) It can possibly undermine the credibility of the speaker. d) d) It improves the overall clarity of the message. 10) How can boosting be effectively used in persuasive writing? a) a) Acknowledges counterarguments and addresses them directly b) b) Downplays the importance of opposing viewpoints c) c) By using vague and ambiguous language to create possibilities d) d) To avoid the use of evidence and supporting data

EAP Quiz: Hedging and Boosting


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