1) Achievements a) gained as the result of effort b) success; accomplishment; something done well 2) EarnedAchievements a) gained as the result of effort b) success; accomplishment; something done well 3) Plans a) an occupation, profession, or trade b) A detailed proposal for doing or achieving something 4) Business a) an occupation, profession, or trade b) A detailed proposal for doing or achieving something 5) Feedback a) The receiver's response to a message b) to put things together to see how they are the same 6) Compare a) The receiver's response to a message b) to put things together to see how they are the same 7) Science a) These are ratings that tell to what extent the standards are met. b) Subject learned in school 8) Grades a) Subject learned in school b) These are ratings that tell to what extent the standards are met. 9) Self-Assessment a) an evaluation of your strengths and weaknesses b) to put things together to see how they are the same 10) Competency a) the ability to do something successfully or efficiently b) an evaluation of your strengths and weaknesses 11) Jobs a) work done for pay b) activities that you do well 12) skills a) work done for pay b) activities that you do well 13) Computers a) Skills, experience, and expertise coupled with information and intelligence that creates a person's intellectual resources b) an electronic device that stores and processes large amounts of information and is able to perform complicated mathematical tasks 14) Knowledge a) Skills, experience, and expertise coupled with information and intelligence that creates a person's intellectual resources b) an electronic device that stores and processes large amounts of information and is able to perform complicated mathematical tasks

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