verb: We DO exercise in the morning., They DID a great job organizing the event., She DOES her best to stay fit by exercising regularly., I always DO my homework after dinner., Did you DO the dishes last night?, He DOES all the cooking at home., She DID her hair and makeup before the meeting., He DOES his chores every Saturday morning., We need to DO some shopping before the party., They DID a great job organizing the event., auxiliary: My mother likes chocolate, but she DOESN'T like biscuits, What DO the children wear at your school?, Lynn's father watches badminton on TV, but he DOESN'T watch judo, Where DO the Masons buy their fruit?, DOES the cat like to sleep on the sofa?, DO the boys play cricket outside?, We eat pizza, but we DON'T eat hamburgers., Dogs love bones, but they DON'T love cheese. , Where DO Sam and Ben hide their books?, DOES Mrs Miller read magazines?,

do: verb x auxiliary?


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