the airplane - o aviao, the ball - a bola, the car - o carro, the dinosaur - o dinossauro, the elephant - o elefante, the flower - a flor, the globe - o globo, the hospital - o hospital, the igloo - o iglu, the jewelry - a joia, the kiwi - o kiwi, the lion - o leao, the monkey - o macaco, the nest - o ninho, oval - oval, the police - a policia, the quartz - o quartzo, the radio - o radio, the sun - o sol, the turtle - a tartaruga, the unicorn - o unicornio, the violin - o violino, the waffle - o waffle, the xylophone - o xilofone, the yoga - a yoga, the zebra - a zebra,

Alfabeto Bilingue - portugues-ingles


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