It is necessary to read the ____ of every contract to avoid surprises. # The world is divided between those who support Israel and those who support Palestinians. Some ____ the attacks ____ Hamas and others ____ Israeli reprisals. # Anyone with common sense clearly will blame the incumbent government ____ increasing government ____ and thus increasing inflation, the ____ of the dollar and so on. And it is unthinkable that many people still think about voting for them! Yani doesn’t like to organize her birthday, but I told her “____ it’s only one day. # I was looking at ____ about the presidential debate on Twitter and they ____ Milei the winner ____ # My mother wanted to start a project, so she thought about a fruit salad business and she ____ # You are spot on when you say that the Kirchnerist government has messed up the country’s economy. # In every couple, both parts should have ____

MC Vocabulary Revision October 17 2023


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