1) which term best describes the image a) oil spill b) habitat destrution c) overfishing d) mineral mining e) pollution f) tourism and recreation 2) which term best describes the image a) oil spill b) habitat destrution c) overfishing d) mineral mining e) pollution f) tourism and recreation 3) which term best describes the image a) oil spill b) habitat destrution c) overfishing d) mineral mining e) pollution f) tourism and recreation 4) which term best describes the image a) oil spill b) habitat destrution c) overfishing d) mineral mining e) pollution f) tourism and recreation 5) which term best describes the image a) oil spill b) habitat destrution c) overfishing d) mineral mining e) pollution f) tourism and recreation 6) which term best describes the image a) oil spill b) habitat destrution c) overfishing d) mineral mining e) pollution f) tourism and recreation

dependence on ocean systems


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