1) Name two things you have to do in the morning. 2) What do you have to do before you go to bed? 3) Name two things your mom has to do at her working place. 4) Name three of your dad's chores? 5) Do you have to wear a uniform at school? 6) What are your chores at home? 7) Do you have to cook dinner for your family? 8) How often do you have to vacuum your room? 9) Does anyone in your family have to wear glasses? 10) Name two things you don't have to do during the weekend. 11) Name two things you have to do to learn English? 12) What do you have to do to keep you healthy? 13) Name two things people have to do for their pets. 14) How often do your family have to go to the grocery store? 15) Name two things you don't have to do in summer. 16) Name two things you have to do to be a good friend. 17) Name three of your mom's chores. 18) What do you have to do to go camping? 19) Who has to do the dishes in your family? 20) Name two things you have to do to be a good writer.

have to -


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