+ I _____ finish my homework before bedtime., - She ______ forget to buy milk on her way home., ? _____ we bring our own snacks for the party?, + We ______ wear a uniform at school., - You _______ worry about the test; it's just a practice., ? ______ he start the meeting tomorrow?, - We _______ use our phones during the exam., ? Do we _______ wear a tie for the party?, + I believe I _______ study harder to improve my marks., - You _______ eat in the library., - She ________ bring a gift to the party., + We _______ be at the airport by 8 a.m., - Students _______ park their bikes on the road..

Prepare 7. Ukrainian Edition. Unit 09. Grammar Game 1. Must, mustnʼt, have to, donʼt have to


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