1) They are considered the father and mother of the Jewish people a) Abraham and Sarah b) Abraham and Juliet c) Joseph and Sarah 2) What does the word Brit mean? a) Convenient b) Covenant c) Container 3) Covenant is just a fancy word for a) Alert b) Diverse c) Agreement  4) Abraham’s part of the agreement was to be a) Righteous b) Hungry c) Gracious 5) G-D’s part of the agreement was to provide them with a) Children and sand b) Children and Land  c) Food and water 6) To seal the deal, Abraham and all of the Jewish people have to a) Dance barefoot b) Have a party c) Partake in Jewish rituals 7) What holiday did we celebrate right before Yom Kippur a) Passover b) Rosh Hashanah c) Chanukah 8) What does Rosh mean a) Head b) Arm c) Neck 9) After Rosh Hashanah we celebrated Yom Kippur and then a) Chanukah b) Sukkot c) Shabbat 10) What happens during Simchat Torah? a) We celebrate and restart the Torah b) We read and sleep with the Torah c) We remember and practice Torah

Jewish Trivia


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