1) The girl ........... a lot of salad. a) eat b) eats c) eating 2) He .............. Italian. a) don't speak b) doesn't speak c) not speak 3) You .............. the cello. a) don't play b) doesn't play c) don't plays 4) She ................. soda. a) doesn't drinks b) don't drinks c) doesn't drink 5) It .......... a lot in the spring a) rain b) don't rain c) rains 6) She ................ series on Netflix. a) watch b) watches c) watche 7) He ........... to work by bus. a) gos b) go c) goes 8) The weather .................. a lot in London a) change b) changes c) doesn't changes 9) I ................. to the park on the weekends. a) doesn't go b) don't go c) goes 10) He ................ Everybody Hates Chris when he .......... to relax a) watch / need b) watch / needs c) watches / needs d) watches / need

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