1) What is the weather usually like in spring?  a) cold and snowy b) warm and sunny c) windy and foggy d) rainy 2) What is the weather usually like in summer?  a) hot and sunny b) cold and windy c) rainy and snowy d) windy and foggy 3) What is the weather usually like in autumn/ fall?  a) hot b) very cold c) rainy d) snowy 4) What is the weather usually like in winter?  a) sunny b) hot c) rainy d) snowy 5) What do we usually wear in summer? a) boots and jackets b) shorts and t-shirts c) jumpers and scarf d) raincoats and gloves 6) What is celebrated in spring? a) Christmas b) Halloween c) Easter d) Saint Nicholas Day 7) What is celebrated in winter? a) Mother's Day b) Christmas c) Earth Day d) Halloween 8) What do we usually do in summer? a) go skiing b) go ice-skating c) go to school d) go swimming 9) What we DON'T wear in summer a) a dress b) a skirt c) a t-shirt d) a coat 10) What are autumn/ fall colours? a) white, blue, grey b) green and pink c) brown, red, yellow d) black, red, white 11) How many seasons are there? a) two b) four c) three d) five



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