Getting married, Kiddushin\Erusin, The brachos (of Kiddushin\Erusin), Nissuin, The brachos (of Nissuin), Being married: the husband's obligations, Being married: the wife's obligations, How many? One of each, As many as possible , Writing the get (the first 4 rules), Giving the get (the last 6 rules+the midrabanan obligations), Remarrying, Yibum, Chalitzah, How is chalitzah performed?, Nowadays, A me'anes, Pay a fine , Marry her, The exceptions (of a me'anes), A mefatteh, Either pay her or marry her, A Motzi Shem Ra, What's the truth?, How a woman becomes a sotah, The husband goes to the beis din, The sotah in the Beis Hamikdash, The bitter waters, The korban mincha is prepared , She drinks the waters and offers the korban mincha , When there is no Beis Hamikdash {Sotah}.

Yahadus Book 2, Sefer Nashim


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