1) Which words use "par" as a root? a) prospect b) television c) apparent d) aspect e) advise f) appearance 2) Which words use "spec" as a root? a) specimen b) invisible c) televise d) specific e) apparition f) speculate 3) Which words use "spect" as a root? a) visible b) provide c) transparent d) retrospect e) inspector f) respect 4) Which words use "vid" as a root? a) evidence b) spectacle c) specify d) video e) prospector f) providence 5) Which words use "vis" as a root? a) revision b) perspective c) visitor d) circumspect e) spectator f) expect 6) What does the word "apparition" mean? a) a point of view b) a ghostly looking image c) the way a person looks at food d) definite e) a sample f) an official stamp 7) What does the word "expect" mean? a) to not include b) to be invisible or difficult to see c) to doubt intensely d) to save or to protect e) to look for as likely to happen f) to speak loudly and clearly 8) What does the word "evidence" mean? a) to show clearly b) to join with others c) to show in advance d) to withdraw from danger e) a large area f) a competitor

Latin Roots: Sight


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