doctor, sometimes, never, dream, monsters, talk to animals, travel around the world 环游世界, is asleep, always, fast aleep 熟睡的, wake up, hide behind curtains, look for, see the open window, jump out of the window, triangle 三角形, square 正方形, circle 圆形, rectangle 长方形, break the code 破译密码, mime 哑剧表演, cartoons, castle 城堡, key, lock 锁孔, dust, prince, blazer 西装, just a minute, wardrobe, crocodile, all the time 一直, football pictures, postcards, stamps, autographs, stickers, play the piano, cousin, comics, What do you collect?, storybooks, soft toys, World Cup 世界杯, come true 成真,


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