curly hair - Joe had, count - Joe couldn't, to count to ten - The first thing Mrs. Jewls asked Joe to do was, go to recess - Joe wanted to, 5 pencils - The first thing Mrs. Jewls asked Joe to count were, 8 potatoes - The second thing Mrs. Jewls asked Joe to count were, 3 books - The third thing Mrs. Jewls wanted to Joe to count were, 8 erasers - The last thing Mrs. Jewls wanted Joe to count were, five times - Mrs. Jewls hit her head against the wall, great great game of kickball - John told Joe he had missed a, Discipline - What word did Mrs. Jewls write under Maurecia's name?, he knew how to count - When Joe woke up the next day, 55, 006 that were all curly - How many hairs did Joe have on his head?,

Find the Match Joe



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