confused - I'm always _______ at math lessons, I can't understand all the formulas. , relaxed - She is usually _________ at the weekend. , sad - I was ______ because I didn't get a present for my birthday. , frightened - I'm _______ of spiders. If I see one in my bedroom I'll scream very loudly. , bored - I can't stand my French lessons, we don't do any interesting activities and the teacher is always speaking, I am always ___________., angry - I'm really angry as you never listen to me and you are always talking. , disappointed  - I was____________ to get a bad mark for the test, I've been preparing for it for 10 days. , worried - I'm ___________ about my exam results, I can't stop thinking of it. , excited - I'm __________ about my next weekend. My parents promised to spend it in the park, eating my favorite pizza. , interested - I'm ___________ in physics and I even attend extra lessons. , happy - I'm usually ____________ when I don't go to school. , stressed - There is an exam week at our university and we have tests every day. I am ______________ because I have to do everything and prepare for them , surprised - Really? Are you a doctor? I'm _________ to find it out. , tired  - I'm so ___________. Today I had 7 lessons, extra lesson in English and I did judo as well. So many things for one day.,

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