____ (AKA Fertilization) occurs when a male sperm meets with a female egg (____). A female releases an ____ (the female reproductive cell) once a month from her ____. This is called ____. When a male and a female have ____, the male ejaculates ____ into the female’s ____. Semen contains ____ (the male reproductive cell). The sperm travels up the female reproductive system, traveling through the ____ and uterus and finally enters the ____. It is in the fallopian tube that a male sperm and a female egg meet. Only ____ sperm can penetrate a female egg. Once the egg is ____, it is now called a ____. The zygote now travels down the fallopian tube, where it becomes a morula. Once it reaches the ____, the morula becomes a ____. The blastocyst then burrows into the ____ (lining of the uterine wall) - a process called ____.

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