1) non- a) no, not b) down, from c) in, not d) out of 2) de- a) to step b) out of c) back again d) down, from 3) ex- a) between b) out of c) before d) to throw 4) -tract a) to pull b) completely, through c) forward d) not 5) pre- a) not b) to carry c) before d) out of 6) rupt a) to carry b) to break or burst c) in, not d) to shape 7) con/com a) with, together b) to throw c) away, apart d) bad, wrong 8) mis a) to carry b) between c) down, from d) bad, wrong 9) re a) under b) to throw c) back again d) forward 10) per a) completely, through b) to carry c) to step d) to pull



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