I spent only four days in San Rafael., People say that Las Grutas is warmed by the Brazilian current bla bla this is bluff., I used UBER to go to the beach., He was on the run., 50 feet to the right or left and he would have been caught in the deadly current to sweep him down and destroy him., Archaelogically, he couldn’t have fallen in a better spot, He would have been transported glacier down and his body would have been destroyed., He can’t have been a farmer because his hands were soft., Otzi must have been someone important in his community. , His soft hands mean he must have been a hunter., They found an arrowhead so this shows that the Iceman must have been murdered, Something that didn’t add up, He could have been lost in storm….. , Something else happened. , What could be the world’s oldest open case of homicide. , Stone age people must have been more sophisticated than we thought., At first they suspect he was lost in a storm., They could have contaminated the mummy., This mummy must have died at around 5000 years ago., Mom must be preparing to go to the vet., You should have changed Luciano earlier. , I should have moved to Spain when I had the chance. , I should have bought that book before the devaluation.,

MS January 2024 Revision


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