All access points have default usernames and passwords The right credentials provide full control Very easy to find the defaults for your access point or router - Change default passwords, Small office / home office appliances Updates may address different requirements Install the latest software - Firmware updates, Content filtering, IP address ranges  Allow list Nothing pass through the firewall unless it’s approved Deny list - IP address filtering, Often a single device Router, switch, access point, firewall, etc Location may be restricted to a secure room Plan before the installation - Physical placement, Address reservation Administratively configured Table of MAC addresses Static DHCP Assignment - DHCP reservations, Wide area network / Internet link Many ISPs dynamically allocate WAN addresses It’s easier to manage if the IP address is static - Static WAN IP, Allows network devices to automatically configure and find other network devices Applications on the internal network can open inbound ports using UPnP  - UPnP (Universal Plug and Play), Previously known as the demilitarized zone (DMZ) An additional layer of security Public access to public resources  - Screened subnet,

a+1102 2.9 - Securing a SOHO Network


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